Avoid The Four Frequent Triggers Of Psoriasis For Better Skin

When you have psoriasis, you have to avoid the four “triggers” that can deteriorate your skin. The following common triggers for psoriasis are your worst enemies, so take note if you want to improve your skin!

1st Trigger: The Winter Season

Have you noticed that after you’ve been out in the sun, that your psoriasis is much better? In contrast, doesn’t it deteriorate in the winter-time?

That’s due to a couple of reasons; the stress of Christmas shopping and organizing everything over winter, the low amount of sunshine during the day (leading to a tiny amount of Vitamin D3 for the skin), and everyone having their radiators on full blast, which dries out the skin.

2nd Trigger: Skin Injury

Skin damage of many different types can lead to psoriasis spreading to the site of injury. People regularly remark that new patches of psoriasis appear for 10 days to a fortnight at the same place that they burnt, cut or punctured their skin!

This is called the “Koebner phenomenon”, or the “isomorphic response”. It was named after a doctor saw that one of his patients developed skin lesions in the places were his steed bit him. His findings in the late nineteenth century was extended, and the connection between new skin trauma and the spread of psoriasis has now been proven to occur in 50% of all patients.

The types of injury that can cause this include getting a tattoo, getting acupuncture, shaving off your beard, or even sticking Sellotape on your face and then pulling it off… so be careful.

3rd Trigger: Stress

Stress is one of the biggest triggers of psoriasis. From restless nights spent staring at the ceiling; to anxiety over paying the rent and emotional stress of arguments… it can all play havoc on your skin.

When you’re weighed down by stress, your body’s defence systems are weakened and your immune system does not operate at its best, leading to your psoriasis becoming worse.

However, the real problem comes with dealing with stress rather than idfentifying it. So why not try a few classes of yoga or some slow breathing techniques? If that doesn’t quite do the trick, there are other relaxation methods like listening to music or screaming into a pillow! Whatever you do, find an outlet for your stress if you want your psoriasis to improve.

4th Trigger: Certain types of infections

A few certain infections, such as strep throat, have been known to actually cause psoriasis. First you get a sore throat, and then a fortnight later, you have somehow developed guttate psoriasis! Scientists do not understand why strep throat has this particular affect on the skin, but the affect has been well observed none-the-less.

Other infections to look out for include thrush, boils and upper-respiratory virals. Getting contaminated by a cold doesn’t just mean you’ll have a runny nose, but that you skin will be inflamed for days, if not weeks!

Another point to keep in mind is that alcohol aggravates psoriasis. Avoiding the four triggers above is all well and good, but try to cut back on the alcohol too! If you do all of that, rest assured that you’ll see some improvement in your skin!

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