Androgenic Alopecia – Disorder That Causes Hair Loss

Androgenic Alopecia

Androgenic Alopecia – What It Is

Androgenic alopecia is a hair loss disorder that affects males and females. Androgenic alopecia is also known as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. It is known that this type of hair loss is caused by an over-production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) -hormones, genetics, and age. This type of hair loss is more common in men than women. It usually starts with the frontal area and then progresses to other areas like the crown and temples. A most common concern is not knowing whether people are genetically susceptible to it. Read more about this hair loss disorder to learn of causes of this type of hair loss and the availability of treatments.

Most Common Form of Male Pattern Baldness

thinning hair in men

Androgenetic alopecia is the most common form of hair loss in men. It can occur at any age but, usually starts during the teenage years. Androgenetic alopecia is caused by the androgen hormone. The cause is not fully understood but, it has been linked to genetics and ethnicity. There are two types of androgenetic alopecia:

– Androgenetic Alopecia Type 2 (AGA2) – This type of alopecia affects both men and women with a higher incidence in Caucasians, Hispanics, Asians, African Americans and Native Americans.

This type of baldness in men is called male-pattern hair loss which usually starts at the crown of the head with a receding hairline and bald spot on the top (vertex). In women, it usually starts from the part in the middle of head, leading to a widening part.

Causes of Androgenic Alopecia in Females

These causes in females are still unknown but, there are some possible factors that can be attributed to the condition. Alopecia areata is one of the most common causes of hair falls or female bald spot on scalp.

Female bald spots on scalp are also known as female pattern hair loss or female pattern baldness. Female-pattern hair loss is when some areas of your scalp have noticeably less hair than others.

Hair is lost from the scalp, eyebrows, or eyelashes. It can be caused by genetics, hormone changes during pregnancy and menopause, or other medical conditions.

It is important to know the symptoms before it progresses to baldness. It is also important to have a consultation with your doctor before you start taking any hair loss treatment.

Other Conditions that Affect Women Hair

There are other conditions which are responsible for hair loss in women. Some of these include: stress, thyroid disease, and endocrine disorders. The most common condition for hair loss in women is androgenetic alopecia. It is caused by the gradual transformation of the follicles into miniaturized versions of themselves. In women, it appears as a change in the texture of the hair making it thinner and more fragile.

Androgenetic Alopecia Female Symptoms

The most common symptom of female pattern baldness is gradual thinning of hair on the scalp, which can lead to an increased risk for developing bald spots. The hair loss occurs in a regular pattern, with typically a widening part at the top of the scalp. Other symptoms include : loss of scalp hair, curly hair, dryness/dandruff on scalp, and scalp itchiness.

hair scalp with thinning hair female

Female Pattern Baldness in 20s

It is characterized by thinning hair on the top of the head. This condition can be caused by genetics and it can be hereditary or acquired. A woman may experience female pattern baldness in her 20s, 40s, 50s, 60s or later in life.

Is Androgenic Alopecia In Women Reversible?

It may seem like a simple question but, the answer is complicated. Some say it is not reversible and can be treated with medication or laser therapy. There are two types – androgenic alopecia and alopecia areata. Androgenic alopecia hair loss happens when the hair follicles on your scalp produce too much male hormone, which causes them to shrink thereby, producing thinner hair. Alopecia areata affects the entire body and happens when the immune system attacks healthy hairs. Alopecia areata can also be caused by an autoimmune disorder called Systemic Sclerosis

Androgenic Alopecia Diet

The diet recommended for androgenic alopecia is quite simple: limit sugar intake and avoid processed foods.

Three Stages of Androgenic Alopecia:

The first stage is called the “anagen” phase.: Female Pattern Hair Loss: This is when there is a general thinning of hair on the top of the head and at the back of the head.

The second stage is called the “catagen” phase : Male Pattern Hair Loss: This is when there is a receding hairline with baldness on the crown or top back section of head. There are various causes and it’s not always genetic.

The third stage of Androgenic Alopecia is called the “telogen” phase. This is when the body stops producing new hairs, but old ones continue to grow until they eventually fall out.”

Diagnosing And Treating Anagen Effluvium

Anagen effluvium (AE) is a condition that causes hair loss in the scalp. It occurs when hair follicles are destroyed by an event or events, such as chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or certain medications. The hair follicles may continue to produce new hairs for a short period of time before they eventually stop producing any more hairs.

The diagnosis of AE is based on the patient’s history and symptoms. A physical exam is not necessary for diagnosis because there are no specific physical findings associated with AE. The doctor may order blood tests to rule out other conditions that cause hair loss, such as thyroid disease or iron deficiency.

Types of Alopecia In Females

Alopecia causes thinning and balding of hair in the areas where hair is normally thick like on the top of your head. Some types of alopecia in females are :

1. Alopecia Areata

2. Alopecia Totalis

3. Alopecia Universalis

4. Alopecia Universalis and Alopecia Areata

5. Androgenetic alopecia

6. Traction alopecia

Vitamins For Androgenic Alopecia

Hair loss caused by the reduction in androgen hormones that are produced by the body can corrected by taking vitamins that help to promote healthy hair growth. These vitamins are good for people who have been diagnosed with this condition and want to maintain their hair. In addition, a healthy diet is important when it comes to maintaining a healthy scalp and preventing hair loss from occurring.

Several vitamins that have been shown to help with this condition include:

Vitamin A which helps in preventing the onset of alopecia as well as promoting healthy hair growth.

Vitamin B6 helps in improving your body’s ability to make and maintain keratin which is a protein that plays an important role in hair health and growth.

Vitamin C has been shown to play a role in protecting your body from oxidative stress which can be caused by free radicals that result from harmful UV rays.

Androgenic alopecia is a condition that affects the hair follicles and causes the hair to fall out. It is a common condition in men, but it can also affect women.

How To Stop Androgenic Alopecia in Females

1. Keep your hair healthy

2. Avoid the use of chemicals on your hair

3. Wear protective caps if you work with chemicals

4. Get a wig if you need one

5. Take supplements that help with hair growth

6. Get a consultation

Can Androgenic Alopecia Be Cured Naturally

The causes of this form of hair loss are not yet known but, there are some natural ways to help prevent and cure it. Hair loss can be caused by a number of different things, such as genetics, hormonal changes, illness, and stress. One type of hair loss is androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. This is the most common type of hair loss in men with 80% or more suffering from it in their lifetime. While the cause is unknown, there are some natural ways to help prevent and cure it with diet, exercise, vitamins and supplements that can be found at your local health food store.

Best Hair loss Treatment For Females

There are various hair loss treatments for women. However, it is important to select the best treatment for your condition and also consult a professional before you start using any treatment. These hair loss treatments are laser hair removal, minoxidil, and Propecia.

Benefits of Treating Hair Loss

The benefits are immense. It is not just about the beauty and appearance. Hair loss can also cause emotional distress. It can lead to a low self-esteem and depression. Women especially are more likely to suffer from hair loss because they have a lot of hormonal changes in their lives.

Hair regrowth Treatment

Tips For Growing Thicker Eyebrows

Eyebrows are often overlooked by women, but they play an important role in facial expressions.

Eyebrow shaping is an art form that requires precision and care. So, here are a few tips for growing long eyebrows for women:

1) If you have thinning eyebrows, you can use eyebrow pencils to fill in the gaps and make them look fuller. You can also use eyebrow gels or powders to help them grow.

2) Eyebrow hair growth is dependent on your age and genetics so it’s not possible for all women to get long eyebrows. However, there are certain tricks that can help you grow your brows longer than usual.

3) If you want the best results from your eyebrow shaping sessions, then it’s important that you keep your eyebrows clean and conditioned.

Androgenic Alopecia – Disorder

There are many reasons why women suffer from hair loss in their lifetime. Some of them can be genetic while others are due to health conditions such as alopecia or chemotherapy treatments. Besides these reasons, there are certain lifestyle factors that can contribute to female hair loss such as diets with high protein content or stress levels that cause hormone imbalance in the body.

Hair is a natural part of human body. It is an important part of self-identity and self-image. When our hair starts to thin out or fall out, it can be quite devastating to our self-esteem and confidence levels.

There are various hair loss treatments for women. However, it is important to select the best treatment for your condition. It is also important to consult a professional before you start using any treatment.

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